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Principal's Message

North Tapps Middle School is a great place to learn and play.  From our four state of the art science labs to our regular classrooms outfitted with up-to-date technology and features, NTMS is suited for a quality education in the 21st century.  We have two gymnasiums, a modern fitness room, large commons area, a football/soccer field, track, fastpitch/baseball fields, tennis courts, 1:1 ratio of personal computers for students and certificated staff.  A big thank you goes out to our community for supporting us with such great facilities and programs for our students.                

We educate over 500 students in grades 6 through 8.  Class sizes continue to grow due to a growing community.  
Our staff and students benefit greatly from our Academic, Collaboration and Enhancement (ACE) time.  ACE time for teachers to plan together, receive professional development and communicate with parents is imperative in providing a quality education to our students.

Here at North Tapps communication with our families and community is of the utmost importance.  We send out weekly newsletters, mid-term progress reports via e-mail and post current information on our reader board and school website, and we have Family Access and Schoology information on our website available for instant student information.  

In addition to quality academics, we offer numerous sports and clubs to help students become well-rounded.  Bulldog pride is alive and well at North Tapps Middle School as we are “learning today for tomorrow’s challenges.” 

David Uberti
Principal, North Tapps Middle School